Twilight (film) + When 100 Year Old Vampires Go to High School

Season 6 Episode 10

Staring longingly across parking lots, bad wigs, and Jasper…these are only a few of the things Stephenie Meyer has to answer for as we take on the popular 2008 teen vampire flick Twilight this week. 

Topics of discussion include: the vampire version of Wonderwalling a girl, 2008 fashion, and being Team Rosalie (and Team Eternal Vampires Need to Stay Away from High Schools). Plus, Ashley’s unsurprising obsession with Nosferatu as a child. 

Content warning: discussions of emotional abuse.

Episode Citations + Further Reading

Adjusting the focus on Twilight’s misconceptions

Twilight is Not Good for Maidens: Gender, Sexuality, and the Family in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series 

Why Are There So Many Confederate Vampires? - Princess Weekes


Fear Street’s The First Scream (Fear Park #1) + Amusement Park Horrors


Look for Me by Moonlight + The Dangers of YA Vampire Boyfriends